大学英语|说“谢谢”To Say 'Thank You'
  →作文|Saying “thank you” is not easy for Chinese people, because they are less to express their feelings....…〔10-08〕

英语美文|爱和时间Love and Time
  →美文|Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, includin…〔02-24〕

初中英语|我想要快乐I Want to be Happy
  →作文|Life is a colorful picture full of different feelings. I’d like to be happy because happiness is important to everyone.生活像是一…〔02-15〕

英语美文|十二星座期待的浪漫情人节What do Twelve Constellation Expect for Romantic Valentine's Day
  →美文|Does February 14 fill you with feelings of cheer or fear? Each Sun Sign has a different way of responding to this romantic holiday…〔02-13〕

大学英语|我们应该赞成休学去旅行吗?Should we Approve of Suspension of Schooling for Travel?
  →作文|We like travel because we like to move around, and enjoy the feelings of freedom. We are very delightful to get rid of the girdle,…〔08-23〕

初中英语|我喜欢吃冰棒 I Love Ice-lolly
  →作文|I love eating ice-lolly, no matter in the hot summer or the cold winter. The feelings are so different eating ice-...…〔08-16〕

英语美文|致一位青年诗人的信Letters to a Young Poet(9)
  →美文|All feelings that concentrate you and lift you up are pure; only that feeling is impure which grasps just one side of your being a…〔05-23〕

  →作文|The best way to help me through my emotional crises is to share my feelings with a few good friends of mine. Through talking with…〔02-24〕

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