高中英语|自我增值的方式 The Way to Get Self-improvement
  →作文|As the saying that it is never too late to learn, people are advocated to learn all their lives. Today the world is changing fast,…〔12-16〕

大学英语|农村生活模式该保留吗?Should the Country Life Style be Remained?
  →作文|Today, China is in the process of being urbanized, people are chasing the urban life, the country life style is changing with the…〔04-24〕

初中英语|改变自己 Change Ourselves
  →作文|Things in the world are changing. People are changing and every creature is changing. Changing is a neutral word. We can’t j…〔03-24〕

大学英语|仔细规划还是自由安排?Plan Carefully or Plan Nothing at All?
  →作文|In this fast-changing society, our free time is very precious to all of us. It is important for us to take some time to refresh ou…〔03-18〕

英语新闻|2014年高考大纲出炉 2014 the College Entrance Examination Outline
  →新闻|It is just 102 days left from February 25th to the college entrance examination in 2014. In 2014, the biggest changing syllabus is…〔02-25〕

大学英语|工作压力的增长 The Increasing of Working Stress
  →作文|Our society is in the trends of changing. As the changing increases, people’s working stress also increases. And it grows wi…〔01-17〕

大学英语|关于中途换专业 On Changing Major Halfway
  →作文|Recently, I heard that one of my friends wanted to change his major after one-year learning because he found that he had no intere…〔12-26〕

大学英语|要不要成为丁克族 Being a Dink or Not?
  →作文|Our society is changing rapidly. Recently the issue of whether being a dink or not has been brought into focus. The dispute is mos…〔12-17〕

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