→英语|走后门 pull the string 下海 go into business 下岗 get laid off 万元户 ten- thousand-yuan household 潜规则 hidden rule 农民工 migrant worker 面的 tax…〔08-24〕
→英语|跳槽 job-hopping 四有新人 New Generation with Four Qualifications 晒工资 wages online exposure 人肉搜索 Cyber Manhunt 名片 business card 驴友 Donke…〔08-24〕
→英语|海选 audition 选秀 talent show /talent-search show 走穴 perform for outside salary income without approval by the unit they belong to 粉丝…〔08-24〕
→英语|BP机(寻呼机) Beep Pager 彩电 colored television set 大哥大 GSM mobile telephone 发廊 hair salon 蛤蟆镜 goggles 呼拉圈 hula hoop 婚纱照 wedding photo 喇…〔08-24〕
→英语|社会主义新农村 Socialist New Countryside 铁饭碗 Iron Rice Bowl 西部大开发 Western Development 小康社会 A moderately prosperous society 新型工业化道路 New Pa…〔08-24〕
→英语|群众欢庆游行 mass pageant 阅兵式 military review 民主集中制 Democratic Centralism 农转非 Change From Rural Residents to Urban Residents 政企分开 Separa…〔08-24〕