高中英语|电影续集 Movie Sequels
  →作文|Today, we can see many excellent movies, when the movie gets popular and makes a lot of money, the producers will sense the busine…〔03-18〕

高中英语|超市 Supermarket
  →作文|Today, no matter where we go, we can find supermarket all the time, many years ago, there was no supermarket in my hometown, only…〔03-18〕

高中英语|对父母坦诚 Be Honest to Parents
  →作文|I am so afraid of the exam, because I want to be No.1 all the time, I just want my parents to be happy....…〔03-17〕

高中英语|我的旅游梦 My Dream to Travel
  →作文|I have learned English for many years, as I learn more knowledge about the English, I become more and more passionate to have a lo…〔03-17〕

高中英语|尴尬的问题 The Awkward Questions
  →作文|When Spring Festival comes, a lot of young people will go back to their hometown and spend the time to stay with their families. A…〔03-16〕

高中英语|回到过去 Back To the Past
  →作文|Two years ago, the drama about going back to the dynasty was very popular, people liked to see such TV series so much,...…〔03-16〕

高中英语|好肌肤 Good Skin
  →作文|There is a saying that everyone has the heart of being a beauty, in fact, the beautiful outlook indeed brings many advantages. Peo…〔03-13〕

高中英语|如何使用红包 How to Use the Lucky Money
  →作文|The Spring Festival is a big day, because people can have a chance to stay with their families, while for the kids, they like that…〔03-10〕

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