当代→|The zoo has had the workers carefully watch Flaco all the time, as they are worried about his safety. Has Flaco eaten anything today? Has he got injured today?…〔05-30〕
当代→|As you’re practicing your reading, you need to accept the fact that you might not understand every single word, and that’s OK!…〔05-30〕
当代→|It is commonly believed that children are too young to fully appreciate (欣赏) the experience and knowledge of their elders, while many think that old people don’t un…〔05-27〕
当代→|Anyone who has seen The Sound of Music, the Oscar-winning movie, knows the famous city of Salzburg in Austria. The musical movie was filmed in and around the city.…〔05-27〕
当代→|THINK Universal School (TUS) is a traveling high school. The students live and learn in four different countries each year.…〔05-27〕
当代→|Many people pick something simple and easy for the passwords, such as simple combinations (组合) of their names, ages, or birthdays.…〔05-27〕
中国→|近日一组拍自南极科考站附近的照片引发关注,照片里的雪竟然不是白色的,而变成红色和绿色混杂的“ 西瓜雪”。…〔08-05〕
中国→|欢快的锣鼓敲起来,欢腾的雄狮舞起来。“ 闹元宵、学‘ 四史’”文明实践示范活动昨日在市文化艺术中心隆 重举行,活动分为“ 四史”猜谜颂红色文化、非遗展示传民俗文化、戏曲联唱扬传统文化三个篇章。…〔08-05〕