小学英语|早餐 Breakfast
  →作文|Having delicious and nutrient breakfast brings me a happy day. I hope everyone can build this healthy habit....…〔08-18〕

小学英语|记一次大扫除 A General Cleaning
  →作文|Today is Friday. It's time to do a general cleaning....…〔08-18〕

小学英语|我喜欢玩游戏 I Like Playing Games
  →作文|When I am free, I like playing games, especially computer games. ...…〔08-18〕

小学英语|给奶奶的一封信 A Letter to Grandmother
  →作文|How have you been? I do not see you for a long time. I miss you very much. I am writing to tell you a good news....…〔08-18〕

小学英语|打扫 Cleaning
  →作文|Today is Saturday. I stay at home with my parents. My mother said that today we should do some cleanings. I agreed and I would lik…〔08-16〕

小学英语|保护水资源 Saving Water
  →作文|Water is the most valuable resource on the earth. In one word, water is scarce for all of us and we should try our best to save i…〔08-15〕

小学英语|我是一个快乐的女生 I Am a Happy Girl
  →作文|y name is Xin Xin and I am in my eleven years old. I am a happy girl, because I have no trouble in my life....…〔08-15〕

小学英语|我想拥有一个机器人 I Want a Robot
  →作文|When I am in trouble, it can help me pull out of it. And I hope it can take me to everywhere I want to go. I badly want a robot...…〔08-15〕

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