英语日记|英语日记 我喜欢中国新年

英语新闻|中国雅虎邮箱今日关闭  Chinese Yahoo Mail Closes Today
  →新闻|On April 18th, 2013, Chinese Yahoo announces a notice to the users that it begins to stop serve and delete data from today on, sug…〔01-14〕

初中英语|中国110宣传日的由来The Coming of China 110 Publicity Day
  →作文|January 10th, 2014 is the twenty-eighth 110 Publicity Day. The theme of this year is '110 guards your peace.' The first 110 police…〔01-10〕

初中英语|我的中国梦My Chinese Dream
  →作文|When someone asks me: What is your Chinese dream? I will answer it without any hesitation: to be a good doctor. The reason why I w…〔12-02〕

英语新闻|中国导演贾樟柯获戛纳电影节最佳剧本奖Chinese Director Jia Zhangke Won Best Screenplay Prize At The Cannes Film Festival
  →新闻|The sixty-sixth session of Cannes International Film Festival brought down the curtain in 26th in the coastal town of Cannes, sout…〔11-25〕

高中英语|中国书法 Chinese Calligraphy
  →作文|Calligraphy is the essence of Chinese culture, which has developed into a special high-level art apart from satisfying the needs o…〔11-04〕

英语新闻|苏富比将拍卖中国画家画的查尔斯王子像Sotheby’s is Going to Sell a Prince Charles Portrait
  →新闻|This is the first time that the painting of Prince Charles drawn by ever by Chinese painter appearing at Sotheby's.有史以来第一次由一名中国画家为…〔10-14〕

英语新闻|中国发布新网规   China Issues New Internet Rules
  →新闻|Internet users who make defamatory comments which are visited by 5,000 users or reposted more than 500 times could face up to thre…〔09-10〕

  • 轻松应考、高效赋能
  • 好学考试H5触屏版开放内测
  • 祝贺【好学触屏】公众号虎力全开、杨帆起航!